This is what I love to do, nothing!
Just hang out, doing nothing! sure to tell mom & dad Happy Anniversary. They have been married 47 years today!Jake recently found the birds...he loves to watch them.
Both of us like to talk to the birds.
I think they might even talk to us!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cat's on Tuesday
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
10:27 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter and Smudge
We are in prayer mode for all concerned and also very thankful...we have many healthy & happy kitties on the blogosphere.

Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
12:05 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thursday with Chancy & Jake
*Some of you kitties are having trouble finding Jake in this picture...
look real close at the center of the pix...
can you see Jake's tail?
Jake got in the dryer again today. He seems to like cuddling up with the warm clothes.
We are sad about all the sick kitties on the blogosphere, so we are in prayer mode for all of them. We want them to get better real soon.
*Smudge lost his battle. His family helped him to the bridge. He and his family fought a long hard battle. He will be very missed by his family & friends.
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
5:00 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Welcome Susan, to our blog!
Thank you Vickie for allowing me write a guest post for your blog!
My name is Susan Daffron and I'm the founder of the National Association of Pet Rescue Professionals ( and the author of books on caring for adopted dogs (Happy Hound - and adopted cats (Happy Tabby -
This week is National Animal Poison Prevention Week and I'd like to showcase a few tips pet owners can take to keep their cats (and other pets) safe from poisonous substances. As every cat owner knows, cats and especially kittens love to get into things. That old saying "curiosity killed the cat" can be all too true when it comes to poisons.
Cats are hunters and unfortunately people frequently use poison to kill rodents or other "varmints" in their house or yard. In the world of toxic substances, you sometimes see references on labels about injury or death of "unintended target species." If a cat hunts, kills, and eats a poisoned rodent, she can become one of those "unintended targets." (So can kids, dogs and wildlife!)
Another unintentional way cats are poisoned is when humans attempt to give them over-the-counter medication. For example, acetaminophen, which is used in Tylenol and various cold medications is extremely toxic to cats. Never give your cat Tylenol; one tablet can kill a cat.
Cats are particularly sensitive to chemicals absorbed through their skin, so read labels carefully on the pet-care and household products you use. Topical flea products, soaps, cleaning chemicals, and insecticides you might use in your house or garden often contain chemicals that are toxic to cats, so read the label of any product you intend to use.
Also be sure to "pet proof" your household. Many common houseplants and outdoor plants are toxic to cats. The ASPCA site has a list of toxic plants and other common poisons.
Toxic Plants -
A Poison Safe Home -
Any time you suspect your cat may have been poisoned, take her to a veterinarian immediately. Prompt treatment can save her life. You want your cat to remain healthy and live a long time, so take a few simple steps to keep her safe.
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
12:01 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Guest post on our blog tomorrow, Mar 19th
Hi, this is Vickie...Chancy & Jake's mom.
We are so excited to welcome Susan to our Blog tomorrow, Wed. Mar 19th.
In honor of National Animal Poison Prevention Week. Susan Daffron, an avid pet lover, the founder of the National Association of Pet Rescue Professionals, is doing a virtual blog tour to help spread the word about the importance of preventing pet poisoning throughout the world.
We are honored that she chose us as one of her virtual blog stops.
Please stop back tomorrow Wed. Mar 19th. for very important information and tips from Susan.
See you then!
Chancy, Jake & Ernie's Voice
*We have also posted this on the Cat Blogosphere.
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
12:44 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Pat's Day?
We are finally able to blog. Everybody is ok...our human aunt is out of the hospital and feeling much better. She is home with her family & their kitty Hannah. She thinks Hannah missed her the most!
Our human cousin is doing great since he had heart surgery almost two weeks ago. He is home with his family and 4 kitties. They all missed him very much.
Our human brother went back to college yesterday after being home for spring break. We are always sad to see him leave. Since he is finishing up his 6th year of school, you would think we would be used to him leaving by now...NO!
to all our furry friends!
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
3:21 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
We have been really busy...
The past 7 days have been really busy for my Mom & Dad. 1st my 17 year old human cousin had heart surgery. He came through it just great. We are all so happy for him. Now my human aunt has a problem, they can't seem to find out what is making her sick. She has had a chronic illness since she was a pre-teen. Please pray for her to feel better.
A few days ago we had great news...we found out we are toadally awesome. We kinda thought we were...but this is proof! Now we have bragging rights.
You are awesome, too...Thank you PB&J
We want to pass this AWESOME AWARD onto three AWESOME cat blogs.
Petey Tales
3/12/08 - We are so sad! Petey lost his battle. We will miss you Petey! Please say hi to Ernie for us!
Rascal's World
Daisy the Curly Cat
HELP! Anybody know what the problem might be?
I am trying to work on my blog layout, but I can only scroll part way
down the page. The bottom half of my sidebar elements are un-viewable...and the entire bottom. Thank you to those who have offered helpful ideas.
***We found out!!! This is a known issue with Google...they are working on it.
Tra lah, tra lah!
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
11:00 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Jake is blogging...again!
We are reposting photos from Feb. 28 & 29. Thanks to everyone who posted comments to let us know that you could see the photo posted Mar 1. We are so happy. Jake will be trying his hand at blogging today. Good luck Jake!This photo is me, Jake. I love to blog.
This is me in a basket on the table. I was wondering if I needed to loose weight. I doubled my weight since the last visit to the vet. The big dog I seen there was huge, they said he was just a puppy. His Dad weighed 115 pounds, his Mom weighed 98 pounds. WOW! His feet were really, really huge, he would need xl,xl,xl, boots!
This is Jelopena Man on a Stick. My cousin made it. She is very creative.
Princess Lucy of Hampel did you get in here? Did you come to show off your new boots? Chancy & I want new boots, too! They are a lovely pink color. I don't want pink. I want a manly color. I just can't make up my mind yet, what color.
Things are getting too silly...I'm out of here.
This is where I hid when Mom 1st brought me to my forever home. I didn't stay there very long. I had to much fun playing.
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
2:38 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Lets see how long it takes for this photo to vanish. Keep your fingers crossed. Lets hope it doesn't!
Posted by
Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice
6:48 PM